
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow! What an amazing experience this has been in Haiti this week! Truely this has changed my life forever!!

The Haitian people are amazing, and this country is absolutely breathtaking!

There were so many amazing and memorable experiences that it is hard to just choose one.

There is one in particular that stands out in my mind. I think that as a whole, the praying was my favorite part. Although I didn’t pray in the circle time a lot; we went on a prayer walk………….. Neither myself or the other people who were with me on my team had ever done anything like this before. We started praying for every single person. 

As we were walking, I thought to myself Mathew 5…. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” 

I remember our leader, “Lee” tell us that when you pray, allow God, and you can feel when the Holy Spirit takes over.  There was a lady there with a bad leg. As I begin to pray over her, she began to cry……. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, .. and as this feeling came over me, I felt my voice getting louder,…. and the lady wept harder!…..

I have always prayed my whole life……but never….never ,…experienced this feeling. When you feel it,… it makes you want to continue feeding it!!!!!

Even though no one got saved on our prayer walk…….I feel like we still had an impact ! 

But most importantly…….the prayer walk impacted me! ..How i felt when we were doing it, and the emotional impact it had on me!!!!

I am forever changed.