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Thoughts & Inspiration

We are on the second visit to a local orphanage, one that would be out last. Little kids — shoe-less, with clothes not fitting and still their smiles shined bright. 

Gui was the oldest, (of the orphans) a position that could make the kid not as happy, as he ends up just caring for all the younger kids. But Gui is never without a smile on his face. I was drawn to his joy. 

As I stood there, the Lord put it upon my heart to focus and pray over his feet. For seventeen years old, the looked ragged and beaten from years of walking on Haiti’s sharp and dusty ground. 

I felt a tug. It was the Lord calling me to take off my own Nike’s and hand them to him. 

Jeff seen here in the Nikes he gave away to Gui later in the week.

Never in my life have I seen so much joy in someone’s face. He giggled and cried hysterically — waving the shoes in the air. 

They were the nicest pair he’d ever owned. 

As we hugged, I reminded him they were a gift from the one true King, Jesus Christ. 

In only my socks, I said goodbye and walked the grueling quarter of a mile back to our residence. Step by step thoughts of his pain-filled seventeen years filled my head. Gui has had a rough life, but the gospel keeps him going. 

God used shoes as a metaphor. Those simple shoes act as Gui’s protection. With God’s amazing grace, all the sharp glass, trash, and dirt of the world is kept out. God can do the same for us. His loving grace keeps us safe from harm. 

We are called to walk in His name. Full of love, understanding and patience. God truly is a lamp unto our feet, and a light to our path.