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What does it really mean to be flexible?


Most people think of flexibility as the capability of being bent or flexed. Perhaps a gymnast or dancer, with all their limber and graceful moves, is the first thing that comes to mind. These athletes are undoubtedly physically flexible, but in the mission field, we give flexibility a whole new meaning!

In the mission field, flexibility means letting go of everything you’re used to; hot showers, air conditioning, paved roads, fast food, Starbucks coffee, sleeping in. Flexibility means going WAY out of your comfort zone. It means waking up when the roosters crow, applying insect repellant before unzipping your tent, throwing on wrinkly clothes and hoping your hair isn’t too much of a ridiculous mess. It means sharing one restroom with a bunch of strangers, but that’s okay, because flexibility also means growing comfortable with these “strangers” very quickly. After spending a week together, you leave as brothers and sisters, as best friends, and you have completely forgotten that these people were strangers to you on Day One.

Flexibility means letting your guard down and letting God in. It means letting God break your heart for what breaks His, but then watching as He restores your heart. Flexibility means forgetting about your personal space as you are bombarded by shoeless, orphaned children who want to hug and kiss you. It means falling in love with a culture and having your eyes opened to a whole-new-world. Flexibility means communicating love, kindness, patience, understanding, trust, and hope with people who speak a completely different language. It means laughing and crying.

Flexibility means letting go of the reins and handing them over to God. It means praying continually and marveling at how the Lord walks alongside you, guiding you to where He wants you to go, who He wants you to meet, and what He wants you to do. Flexibility means forgetting your expectations and only expecting to see God work in you and through you to accomplish glorious things for His Kingdom.

God loves Haiti! He also loves each person that He alone handpicked to be His hands and feet on His mission in Haiti. He is going to bend and stretch the participants of the June Haiti trips in ways that amaze them and open their eyes to how spiritually, mentally, and emotionally flexible they truly are, because in the mission field, flexibility takes on a whole new meaning, it takes on God's definition!

Are you excited to hear their stories about how God is going to use their flexibility in the poorest country in the western hemisphere? Stay tuned, and you too can marvel at God’s greatness!