
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This trip I came with no thoughts but to follow what the Lord wanted me to do. I had no expectations of what I wanted from it. All I can say is this trip was an eye opener for me. I love children and I love giving them love. I had expected to see sadness, but instead I saw love. The little that they had, they were so happy with. It really made me appreciate what I have. I don’t know if I could be as strong as them. We had heard of a boy who had gotten Typhoid and didn’t get treatment and passed away. I  was thinking about my youngest daughter who got really sick, and with out treatment, she could have passed.  I was thinking how my faith would have held up if she had died. I feel blessed that I was able to treat her and take her home to continue to love on her. The one thing I learned is God only gives us what we can bear. So I thank Him for my blessings. 

God has a plan for me and I will continue to follow His plan each day. This trip made me see this. We walk a path that we might not understand, but there is a reason. 

God is good.