
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

God speaks in multiple ways. He reveals Himself and leads us as He sees fit, and He certainly does this in different ways for different people.

During our recent time in Haiti, God spoke to our team members in many different ways.

For several team members, God revealed His love to them through the beautiful people of Haiti in how they served our team. One crew from our team experienced so much love from one family that the family cooked their best chicken for them. God showed His love to our team through the love of His amazing people!

For some, God revealed His calling to them through the service they were able to take part in. He showed them the need to change way a living back home or how to better appreciate what they have. 

For one crew, God showed a real-life example of spiritual warfare by having them cross paths with a young man, who had been possessed as a result of a local voodoo temple. God revealed the power of Jesus name to them through this interaction.

For one team member, God revealed His healing power through the prayers of the faithful. She saw God begin a healing in her ear that she had not been able to hear out of for some time. God showed the power her faithfulness and the faithfulness of those praying. 

For still one other member, Kamie Brown saw God speak in a mighty way. Below is what she had to say when asked what she heard God say during the week and what she saw him do:

"When we got to the tent city [one of areas that many people had to move to after the earthquake], our group prayed. We held hands and closed our eyes. As soon as my eyes closed, I saw a picture of a Haitian with a white men's shirt with eyes closed in prayer.

After walking into the tent city area, "The first child that came among us ran to us and hugged each of us. He was so happy to see us and followed us to each house we went to. He was only about 3 or 4 years old. When we finished praying for the last person, we began to leave to go back to the bus. But the boy began to pull my hand in the other direction and began saying something over and over in Creole. Our translator told us that the boy was wanting us to come to his house for prayer.

"I said to the team, 'The Lord says 'and a child shall lead them…' So I said that we should go. 

"When we got there, his grandma was getting dressed. He called out 'PRAYER' in Creole over and over again.

"She asked us to pray for spiritual safety and protection and provision for their family. When I looked at her she had the same shirt as the Haitian I pictured in my mind. She also had the same face. We prayed Haitian-style (everyone prays at one time), which is typically difficult for me to focus, so I chose to pray for healing of her back. As I prayed, I had clarity and felt the Holy Spirit fill me. After that, I felt a strong sense that this child that brought us to his home had a calling on his life to lead many people to Christ. I shared this with her even though I do not often share something like this unless I feel it as strong as I did."

God speaks. We just have to listen. We have to position ourselves in a way as Kamie did to simply hear what He wants. He may not speak in the same way, but as John 10:27 reminds us, He is our shepherd and His sheep know His voice and follow Him. Listen for His voice. He will reveal His plan.