
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve returned from the mission trip to Haiti, and I would like to share my heart…

When you come home from a mission trip, you might get asked, “What did you do for the people? Did you feel like you made an impact? Did God speak to you?” Honestly, during the trip I asked myself these questions every day, and I struggled to find the answers. I eventually reached out to my team members and leader about my concerns and they had encouraging responses. In the end God gave the last word.

During the week long adventure I would pray and seek Gods face the best I could. He was completely silent! Until, we attended a church service one evening. There was no translator so I had no earthly idea what was being said, but let me tell you how amazing God is. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the language spoken and everything around you is completely foreign. God’s presence will comfort you, and you will recognize it, no matter where you are at, and who you are around.

During the praise and worship the locals were singing hymns in Creole, and since I lack in knowledge of worship songs and the ability to speak any other language, I began to sing the only one I really know. So there I am a 28 year old woman singing Jesus Loves Me. It was such a sincere beautiful moment between me and God. All other people, surroundings, thoughts, and concerns disappeared. There I was alone with God as he listened to me sing to him like a child. In that moment God told me loud and clear that he is the FATHER OF THE NATIONS.     


       at the church during a VBS                                        helping to pour a cement floor    

How easily I complain, gripe, moan, and become selfish. How easily I put God in a box without even really knowing it. When all the while God is working all over the world! He is feeding, providing, sheltering, nurturing, loving, strengthening, saving, and doing all things for those who love him, while I complain that it’s too humid outside.

This trip I wanted to do for others! I planned on it and it was my purpose to help the people of Haiti. Little did I know the people of Haiti helped me, and this was God’s purpose. I don’t feel guilty for the blessings I have. I realize I took them for granted and became greedy. I also realize I was one of those that walked in the wilderness for 40 years. 

I don’t look at the people of Haiti and feel sorry for them; I feel great compassion that overflows. I do however feel sorry for us. They live day to day relying on God for everything.            

When asked their prayer needs 9 out of 10 people wanted to be closer to God. How many of us would have said that? They are living in conditions that we would not consider livable, and all they want is more God.

I asked one 16 year old fellow what his favorite song was. While I was expecting him to name some song that a pop artist sings, he told me his favorite song was Joy in My Heart. At this point I am mind blown! Then God asked me, “What was my favorite song?” God and I have a very special relationship of our own. He is a great many things to me. One of those things is a teacher. I am constantly getting into trouble and needing to be corrected, and it is clear to me that I will never arrive. Yet, I rebuke my flesh and receive Gods infinite wisdom.

God has called me to the mission field. This desire has been on my heart for many years and God has confirmed it. I don’t know if I will ever do anything great, I don’t know if I will ever win one person over to God, I’m not the smartest, I’m not a quick thinker, and I lack in knowledge. Every time I pray I remind God on all my faults and how I am not worthy of him. Every time his response is sending me the Holy Spirit and the words, “I am so proud of you my beloved.”