
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When you are told that you will be going to the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, you understand that physically the trip could be quite difficult. You understand that you will most likely see things and experience things that will certainly take you out of your comfort zone. You do know, however, that it could be a good trip as any mission trip has the potential of being. But, you might never expect it to be a trip that has everyone on the team buzzing about how great the trip was. 

We all experienced the love of God through the Haitian people. We had the opportunity to invest in the children through VBS. We were able to play with the beautiful children of a local orphanage. We partnered with a local church to invest in its members and encourage them in the Lord. We discovered that God is using His children in Haiti to do great things.

Truly, God is doing amazing work in Haiti, and there is no doubt that our team was as much blessed (if not more) by the people of Haiti as they were a blessing to them. We certainly have lasting friends and connections in Haiti.

Upon arriving back from Haiti for the August adult trip, we thought it would be best to display some snapshots from a few team members on how they saw God at work during the week. Read below to see what God is doing…

"Haitian people showed me they are joyful, loving, and thankful despite their desperate circumstances. They praise God when they are in the storms of their lives and when they know they are blessed."

"I saw smiles of God's children, who were so happy to be visited by us. I saw believers encouraged as we prayed for them. I saw American team members challenged and blessed by their Haitian brothers and sisters."

"These people are so happy. They are always smiling, serving, and eager to know more of what the Savior wants with their lives.They love the stories of Jesus and are hungry for his blessings."

"We went to a tent city and asked God to lead us to the people He wanted us to minister to. He led us to some amazing people. One family we met had their radio going, and when we walking in their home, the song "Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul" was playing. Our whole group worship together with this family. It was beautiful!"

Every team member has their own story of their time in Haiti, but one can be certain that each saw God at work in mighty ways. Each was encouraged by the faithfulness and beauty of the Haitian people. We thank God for our brothers and sisters there!