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Before turning it's wrath on the Northeast of the United States, Sandy blew through one of our favorite Carribean Islands.

In a nation still recovering from the earthquake that rocked its world 2 years ago, the flooding from Hurricane Sandy was devastating. Though much work has been done to recover Haiti and to give its people stability since the earthquake, there are still over 300,000 people living in make-shift homes. 

According to the Haitian government 52 people were lost to the storm. This is the 2nd deadly storm to hit Haiti since August. 

In a country repeatedly stomped on by Natural Disasters, the people there need the hope of God to pull themselves from the rubble. Are you willing to be God's hands and hope in Haiti?

On your mission trip to Haiti you and your team will be asked to follow where Jesus is leading you. Is He asking you to love on children at a Vacation Bible School? Will you bring a bag of rice to a family the Lord has asked you to pray for? Will you follow the Holy Spirit where He leads you?

This could be your opportunity to do so! 

Adventure Encounter's December trip is still open for you to sign up for! 
There are also many listed for 2013

To Sign up for Encounter Trips going to Haiti with Adventures in Missions click HERE