
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This ministry snapshot was written by a participant. There is healing in Haiti and God is in the business of hearing and answering our prayers. 

Our team of eighteen separated into four groups and we dispersed into a very poor community. Wooden shelters and make shift homes littered the mountainside. We had packed bags of rice, oil and noodles to give out to the families we would encounter; praying with them as we went. 

One group came upon a man in his fifties — who one of our group members had met and prayed for earlier in the week.

This man could not walk so he could not work. 

He felt helpless and his discouragement was evident in his face. He sat, hunched over in a chair, dejected and disheartened. He wore no shoes and flies buzzed nearby. 

He welcomed us as a group to pray over his body and his health. He said he had a disease that affected his muscles and his legs bore the brunt of the illness. 

Each of us took a turn praying. I knelt down and prayed over his feet and bones. Though I did not fully know what was wrong, I prayed anyway. 

We waited on the presence of the Lord. We prayed and then we waited some more. One of our group asked him how he felt? 

To our amazement the man stood up! He walked us to his tent so we could leave some food at his house. God did a work in his legs and I am amazed by his faithfulness.