
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our team arrived Wednesday (and one person delayed until Thursday), and jumped right into VBS with 40 children here in Carrefour..  The crafts, facepainting, soccer balls, and songs were the vehicle for the message of love and promises given by God (from the days of Noah to Jesus and each beloved child here today).   We are blessed to have a team with talented teachers, camp leaders, artists, and joyous hearts, and the love for these children was palpable as we ministered to them in play as well as story, songs and prayer.  Hugs and arm painting were  a great hit today! 

There is a picture of a blue tarp over the street–this is where VBS and church take place.  While it may be simple, it is full of love!  In the afternoon, we walked through the streets following God's lead to whom we might encourage and pray.   Our teams were blessed by the direct and clear request at almost all homes–they want spiritual maturity.  In this country of voodoo and other worship, there is definitely a need to understand and walk in Ephesians 6 and the ability to stand in the covering of Christ.  Praying for this as we continue VBS all week, visit an orphanage on Saturday and preach with the local congregation on Sunday.

Thanks for your prayers!  The team is doing great, and we are blessed to be here as His hands and feet.