
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Bonju de Haiti!


Our team has made it safely to Haiti! Yesterday we began our projects for the community.


 Our first day consisted of prayer walks around the community, going to the local orphanage, and attending the church service.


We went around the community in two groups meeting the locals, and asking if they had any needs we could pray for. We were welcomed with such joy and hospitality by the people of Haiti.


After our prayer walk we went to the local orphanage:


We then taught English to some locals. After, we went to the church service and were amazed by the worship! We participated in the service as well providing scripture reading, preaching, testimonies, music, and prayer.


We are so thankful for the prayer and support and we are so excited to see what today as in store for us and the people of Haiti from the love of our most gracious God!