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What God is Doing in Haiti

There are only 24 hours in one day, but toiling in the Haitian heat, it seems doubly long.

Obviously, the family we visited that day could’ve collected all the water jugs much faster than the sweaty, exhausted strangers from America. Nevertheless, I’m grateful they allowed us to serve them, even in the most trivial of ways. This country has given so much to me: new friends, clarity of mind, a renewed hope for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. The least I can give in return is two clammy hands wrapped around the handle of a gasoline jug filled with water.

Haiti is a country of enduring men and women. This is a country of strong men and women; hardened by steep climbs, government corruption, and several bad breaks, yet ultimately undergirded by faith in Jesus. I didn’t expect to find so many believers in Haiti, or so many longing to be close to God, like an older woman who turned to Christ after a health crisis, a woman who can’t send her brilliant daughter to college who gleefully shares her faith, and a blind woman who boldly declares that although she’s lost physical sight, she hasn’t lost spiritual sight.

Despite the hardship, the Spirit of God is in Haiti, and it was an honor to work with Him in love and service.

There’s so much to be done, but I believe the believers here will do the bulk of it. Their faith has blessed me on this trip, and I pray mine has encouraged them to pray over their communities, serve their neighbors, and teach the Gospel of Jesus to their children.

God wants to be glorified in Haiti, and there’s no doubt that He will be!