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Hello from Haiti!

Hey everyone back home,

We're three days into our mission and we've already done a number of different activities. The plane trip down was long and tiring, and the overnight in Miami didn't help. However, after we got through a bit of an ordeal at the airport with us not knowing the address where we were staying, we took a long, extremely hot, and deafening (the constant honking) bus ride through the city, we arrived at the local pastor's house and had a nap. The compound, as I refer to it, was nicer than I was expecting, although there seems to be a bit of an ant infestation – little guys, that don't die and bite and get into any food, packaged or not. That same day, we split into groups and went out in the blazing afternoon sun and invited the neighbourhood children to our VBS. This morning, that was the first place we went – to find 120 children that don't understand anything we say. Oh boy. But it went well and we know what will work and won't work for tomorrow. This afternoon, as we were about to walk to a tent city, it started to pour, earlier than yesterday. This ended up being God's providence as the crowded confines of the tent city were walked under cloud cover. We split into groups and walked around, praying for people and handed out a few tarps, listened to the differences in their lives since the earthquake. Then we spent some time with a yelling crowd of energetic children in a small park that was a part of the tent city. That's pretty much all the ministry we've done so far, and the rest of the time we've been at the compound.

Hope things are going well at home,


By the way, could someone say happy anniversary to Steve and Kait for me? Thanks.



Dear Parents,

Haiti is great! It took a while to get here, and trouble getting through security, but we are here! On the day we arrived (Tuesday morning at 8:30), we went on a tour of Port Au Prince, ans saw the poverty, destruction from the earthquake, and the temple which was destroyed then too.

It's so humid and hot! You don't stop sweating until you are in the shower. Thats pretty gross smelling to say the least!

When we got to the compound where we are staying, we had a nap after lunch, then went on a walk around the area. We talked with many people, inviting children to VBS that we helped run. It was quite difficult because of the language barrier, but I am learning some Creole (very very close to French). After, we had supper and planned the VBS for wednsday.

Wednsday, we had fruit for breakfast. Bananas and avacado and pineapple and mangos! So fresh here! We went to VBS right after, and met all the cute little Hatian children. VBS went very well suprisingly, and they understood everything thanks to the translator Benoit. There were about 120 kids, and they are expecting 300 by friday. That will be very difficult, but exciting!

After lunch, we walked to one of the tent cities. Basically they are tarps wrapped around whatever sticks they can use for a frame. Apparently on a really hot day, it gets up to 120 degrees celcius in side of them! We had the chance to talk and pray with many people, which was awesome! We played with the kids on a new playground that was set up in the city. They are so tiring! We would lift them onto a bar, and would hold on until they couldn't anymore, and then run up and ask us to do it again. We did that for about an hour!! It was pretty fun to see them that excited!

After we had supper, and I bought a 500ml Coke in a glass bottle for 1 USD. It tasted so good and cold!! We are getting ready for VBS tommorow. Ben and I are doing fine, we stink but are having a great time serving!!




P.S. Can you forward this to James Drolet at camp if possible? He wanted to be kept posted. Thanks!!


  1. Thanks so much, Lisa & Graham! I’ll be sure to forward this to James for you. I already forwarded the 2 articles onto your families, so hopefully they’ll get your anniversary wishes out for you, Lisa. It’s so nice getting a picture of your day. I know that after working so hard in that heat, it’s tough to sit down and digest what is going on and get it “out there” for the rest of us at home. I personally have always struggled with the two worlds being real at the same time. Anyways, I appreciate the effort and me and the kids will continue to pray for you. Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

  2. “OurGraham!!” how I miss thee, bro. Thanks for the link to the blog. You are in my thoughts & prayers. Back here, it’s hard to believe Sr.2 starts Friday already…the home stretch! Sr.1 went really well. I’m feeling much better from the flu I had during Jr.2, although now both Rea & Sandy have it; Rea has had it worse. Sandy’s losing her voice. I wish I was gonna be around when Carmel comes down here in Sept. but I’ll look for some cool Commie trinkets for you, haha. Go Esks & Riders. 😀

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