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The Gold Necklace

While talking with the Lord in preparation for going on an ATL, a teammate kept seeing a gold necklace. Because she did not think the gold necklace had any relevance, she did not mention to her teammates what she had been seeing as she was talking with the Lord.  
With no direct direction as to where to go and what to do, she and her teammates let the Lord lead them as they began walking Merger’s rutted, steep up and down streets.  
When at one point she and her teammates saw a women standing in the street, they decided to talk with her. The woman was asked during the conversation that the team had with her as to whether or not she had ever made a decision of faith. When the woman told the team that she had never made a decision of faith, she was asked if she would like to take that step at that moment. When she said yes, the team prayed with her and celebrated with her the decision that the Lord had led her to make.  
It was at this moment that the Adventures teammate who had seen a gold necklace as she was talking with Lord saw that the woman was wearing a gold necklace. Then she noticed that there was a pendant hanging on the necklace. The pendant was the same initial as that of the teammate’s first name.